How to tell whether your child is sensitive to energy

There is a lot of information out there about highly sensitive children from a sensory perpsective and an emotional/behavioral perspective. In my experience, some children are highly sensitive to ENERGY, and since this can be a mysterious topic I wanted to discuss it here. If you aren’t sure whether your child is highly sensitive to energy, here are a few signs to look for:

Sign #1: They seem to feel other people’s feelingsThis may look like

  • Mirroring the emotions of other nearby, (i.e. crying when sibling is crying, getting angry when friend is angry)

  • Having big emotional reactions to things they view on screen (i.e., running away during a scary scene, stimming during a fight scene, crying in a sad scene)

  • Acting up more when you are in a bad mood

 Sign #2:  They seem to read mindsThis may look like:

  • Bringing up topics that you have been thinking about

  • Responding to a thought or question you had but didn’t articulate out loud

  • Talking in a way that is precocious for their age, expressing ideas that seem more mature that one may expect


Sign #3: They spontaneously engage in healing others.  This may look like:

  • You haven’t told your child you have a headache but they come over and put their hands on your head

  • Your child tells you frequent stories about the struggles of others (especially if you wonder, ‘how do they know that?’)

  • Your child tells you about dreams they have in which they are helping other people


When children are sensitive to energy, they tend to feel an extra sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of others.  It is important for them to learn to balance their natural compassion with self-care! If they learn skills and tools to protect their energy, they will be able to maintain this beautiful sensitivity without burning out or overextending themselves.  If your child shows any of the signs above and you aren’t sure where to start, my website resources page has a number of meditations, videos and blogs that offer tools for kids who are sensitive to energy.  I recommend starting with the topics of Grounding and Energy Boundaries: scroll through the posts and/or search for “coping skills” and you may find what you need!

Carolina is an active and proud member of the Sensitive Empowerment Community!  Learn more about this wonderful group through Julie Bjelland’s website at There are numerous free and paid resources designed to support Highly Sensitive People on this site!


Why it’s important to me to combine ENERGY HEALING with MENTAL HEALTH COACHING when working with highly sensitive kids, teens and parents


How to Stay Calm When Your Child is Melting Down