Energy Healing Tip for Managing Emotional Triggers

Most of us know what it’s like to feel emotionally triggered, whether we’re a kid, teen or adult.  Some of us cry or rage outwardly in response to a trigger—think the typical HSP “big emotions” display.  Others of us may shut down and space out in response to a trigger.  This is when our nervous system goes into hypo-arousal—we may look calm on the outside but it is only because we are disconnected from the triggered emotion.  Triggers can be from a variety of sources.  As HSP’s, many of us get triggered when we experience sensory overload or intensity in relationships.  If we have a history of trauma, then our triggers may be full blown trauma responses such as flashbacks, hypervigilance, dissociation or intense emotional reactivity. 

In the Intuition Medicine® model, we are in an optimum state of health when our life force energy is grounded to the center of the earth in alignment with our body.  Unfortunately, when we experience a trigger, what often occurs is that a substantial amount of our life force energy leaves our body.  It is as though a part of us is trying to escape from the intensity of the trigger and takes flight.  When this happens, our emotions and body are destabilized because suddenly they are without the support of our spirit, the source of our life force energy. 

A remedy for this is a core practice in Intuition Medicine®:  grounding.  It is important to practice grounding at least daily, and to strive to increase our awareness of our energy field.  When grounding is repeatedly practiced, our overall sense of stability and calm improves.  We still may experience triggers, but we have greater awareness of when they occur and can often reduce the intensity of our response to the trigger by re-grounding our energy.  If we are able to call our energy back into our body before it flies too far, we are more likely to recover quickly and get back to a calm baseline.

Not sure where to start with grounding?  Some people like to practice visualization exercises such as imagining a waterfall or tree root that extends from your tailbone into the center of the earth.  Other people, especially young active ones, like to ground via contact with nature such as walking barefoot on a beach or forest floor.  Still others benefit from grounding practices that use music and rhythm, or exercises that release stress from the nervous system such as shaking.  This resources section of the website has a grounding meditation, as well as relaxation exercises and music time videos to support your practice! Feel free to look around and click on anything that interests you!

Carolina is an active and proud member of the Sensitive Empowerment Community!  Learn more about this wonderful group through Julie Bjelland’s website at There are numerous free and paid resources designed to support Highly Sensitive People on this site!


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