Types of Sensitivity

Carolina reviews the three types of sensitivity that we focus on at Butterfly Grove: Sensory, Emotional and Energetic.


Outline of video blog:

1.    Sensory Sensitivity

a.     Most common identifiable aspect of HSP’s

b.    5 senses & cups (visual overload example)

c. Visceral reactions to overload including body pain/discomfort

2.    Emotional Sensitivity

a.     Continuum of response:  dissociative to hyperarousal

b.    High emotional sensitivity can be related to high sensory sensitivity

c.     High emotional sensitivity can also be independent of sensory sensitivity: i.e. high stress, mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress all influence

3.    Energetic Sensitivity

a.     Energy is a vague term: innate awareness/response to variety of energetic influences. 

b.    Varied:  emotional energy, energy of technology and appliances, psychic and spiritual energy

c.     Personal story: emotional personality vs. other people’s emotions

d.    Energy anatomy: Importance of grounding, boundaries

4.    Summary

a.    Any one type of sensitivity can impact the other

b.    It’s important to get to the root cause of any suffering or overload you may be feeling, so that the appropriate coping tools can be utilized.

c.     Some may try occupational therapy or psychotherapy to deal with sensory and/or emotional sensitivity; these may be enhanced with energetic tools. 


Intuitive Guidance Coaching vs. Therapy