Intuitive Guidance Coaching vs. Therapy

Highly Sensitive People (HSP), especially children and teens, may struggle with feelings of poor self esteem, worry, and sadness as a complication of being so extraordinarily deep and aware of the world around them. Perhaps you and your family have sought psychotherapy treatment for these concerns, but felt it was not holistic enough to address the underlying issue. Many kids, teens and parents experience the “problem focus” of therapy as confirmation that something is wrong with them. At Butterfly Grove, your sensitivity is not seen in this way. Rather, your sensitivity is seen as one of your greatest strengths! Butterfly Grove encourages you to join us on the path of empowerment and joy as an HSP.

Intuitive Guidance Coaching, as practiced at Butterfly Grove, is intended to be a practical way to integrate the wisdom of your spirit with your sensitive body. Sessions are led by your own spirit, in a way that aims to honor and care for your emotional and physical wellbeing. It is especially important for Highly Sensitive People to have the opportunity to experience guidance that balances our sensory experience with spiritual wisdom. This can ensure that your sensitivity is understood, appreciated and celebrated, in a manner that is designed to allow you to live in a way that is true to who you really are.

The table below lists a few basic differences between Intuitive Guidance Coaching and traditional psychotherapy. Both can be very valuable modalities, but there is a fundamental difference in how we approach the work. As someone who has previously practiced as a therapist, it is especially important that I communicate to you how Intuitive Guidance is unique and that it is not the practice of psychotherapy, so that there is a clear understanding of how we may work together.


Intuitive Guidance Coaching

  • Looks at any challenges you are facing primarily through the lens of spirituality and energy

  • Sessions are designed to be guided by your spirit’s wisdom

  • Intuitive Guidance Coaching provides the opportunity to perceive your energy anatomy, and it can support you in addressing barriers that may be blocking accessing to your spiritual wisdom, coming into harmony with your body and mind

  • Works with you in present time, without needing to process the past or spend extensive time feeling old uncomfortable feelings

Traditional Psychotherapy

  • Looks at any challenges you are facing primarily through the lens of mental health, often incorporating a DSM 5 diagnosis

  • Treatment is guided by modality, for example: cognitive behavioral therapy or play therapy; and/or by problem, for example: trauma or relational conflicts

  • Therapist may gather information about your challenges from conversations, play, art and observation, and support you in gaining insight and building skills so that you feel and function better.

  • Therapy typically incorporates verbal and/or nonverbal (i.e., play, art) processing of past events and relationship issues which may be influencing the psychological disorder.


Butterfly Grove is focused on my role as an intuitive guide and coach for you and your family, and is designed to incorporate concrete strategies which may support you in accomplishing the goals you want to achieve. It is important to note that Intuitive Guidance Coaching is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment from licensed health care providers. If there is an indication that you may need licensed healthcare services, I may advise you on referrals to relevant licensed healthcare providers.

Disclosure: While Carolina Mariposa is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) in the State of California, the classes/events and her services as an Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner offering Intuitive Guidance Coaching are separate from and not part of her psychotherapy practice. She does not provide any psychological diagnosis or treatments or any other licensed health care services as an Intuitive Guidance Coach. Carolina Mariposa’s services as an Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner are not licensed by the State of California. However, under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and Professions Code, Carolina Mariposa can offer you her services as an Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner, subject to the requirements and restrictions that are described fully therein. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information.


Carolina Mariposa, your family’s intuitive guide


My Journey to Butterfly Grove


Types of Sensitivity