Welcome to Resources

Whether you're curious about my approach or new to Intuitive Guidance Coaching altogether, you've come to the right place. These resources are meant to be an introductory point for you on your journey toward transformation, as well as a place where I may curate answers to common questions or offer reflections from my Intuitive Guidance Coaching practice. To discuss any of these topics more fully or to explore my services, book a discovery call today!

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Holistic Health, Emotional Regulation Butterfly Grove Holistic Health, Emotional Regulation Butterfly Grove

HSP, Heal Thyself: Energy Medicine Tools for Coping with the World’s Pain

Highly Sensitive People feel the pain of the world. There is so much that is painful and traumatic going on in our world today, so it is a critical time for us to find strategies which support us in our ongoing process of maintaining a compassionate, empathic stance about world events while also taking care of ourselves.

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Full Body Breathing Exercises

HSP’s often experience feelings of emotional and sensory overload, and young people especially may have a hard time practicing calming strategies where one has to “sit still”. This video provides active HSP’s with a coping strategy that incorporates deep breathing and gentle movement.

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