Welcome to Resources

Whether you're curious about my approach or new to Intuitive Guidance Coaching altogether, you've come to the right place. These resources are meant to be an introductory point for you on your journey toward transformation, as well as a place where I may curate answers to common questions or offer reflections from my Intuitive Guidance Coaching practice. To discuss any of these topics more fully or to explore my services, book a discovery call today!

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Music Butterfly Grove Music Butterfly Grove

Sensitive Music Time! (Episode 4)

This series from Butterfly Grove provides highly sensitive young children with coping strategies using music! Each episode features a different instrument and then incorporates it into 1-2 songs. This episode features the ukelele and Laurie Berkner's song of gratitude, “Mahalo.” Licensing fee paid to Two Tomatoes Records, LLC.

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Music Butterfly Grove Music Butterfly Grove

Sensitive Music Time! (Episode 3)

This series from Butterfly Grove provides highly sensitive young children with coping strategies using music! Each episode features a different instrument and then incorporates it into 1-2 songs. This episode features the amazing shaky egg and Laurie Berkner's beloved song "I Know A Chicken". Licensing fee paid to Two Tomatoes Records, LLC.

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Music Butterfly Grove Music Butterfly Grove

Sensitive Music Time! (Episode 2)

Welcome to the second episode of Sensitive Music Time, a program for highly sensitive kids where we practice coping with stress and overwhelm through music! This month’s episode introduces the singing bowl and uses it as accompaniment in two traditional children’s songs. Enjoy!

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Music Butterfly Grove Music Butterfly Grove

Sensitive Music Time!

This video is intended to support Highly Sensitive Kids in dealing with feelings of overwhelm and stress through music! This is the first episode in a new series from Butterfly Grove.

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