Let’s Go Outside! The Many Benefits of the Outdoors for Sensitive Children

Many highly sensitive people report feeling better after spending time in nature.  Many parents of highly sensitive children instinctively know that being outside helps their children feel better, and they may use time in nature as an intervention when their kids are having a bad day.  Even sensitive kids with sensory sensitivities who may object to things like sand on their feet or dirt on their hands, still benefit from activities such as a walk in a wooded area, a bike ride through a park or watching ocean waves from a boardwalk. 

Research has shown that natural and green environments support increased concentration and improved motor coordination in young children (Wells, 2000: NY State College of Human Ecology).  Research carried out by the Human-Environment Research Laboratory at University of Illinois also found that green outdoor spaces foster creative play, improve children’s access to positive adult interaction and relieve the symptoms of attention-deficit disorders. On average, they found that the greener the view from home and/or school, the better a child concentrates, the less a child acts impulsively and the longer a child may delay gratification.

Why, exactly, does nature have so many benefits for us as HSP’s?  You may be surprised to learn that it has something to do with earth’s ENERGY.  As far back as 1952, the earth was hypothesized by German physicist Schumann to vibrate at a frequency of 7.83Hz (which was later determined to be true, and has since been referred to as the Schumann resonance, and the “heartbeat” of Mother Earth).  This frequency is most purely felt in natural, wild environments.  With all of our technology, we are often surrounded by dissonant frequencies in the range from 30,000 Hz to 300 billion Hz.  Spending time in natural environments therefore automatically slows down our vibration and grounds our energy by exposing us to a much lower, slower frequency.  

In my work as an intuitive coach, one of the foundational teachings I bring to my sensitive clients is that of grounding.  Being grounded in Intuition Medicine® means that we connect our energy into the earth.  This can be done in a variety of ways, including visualization, intention or just going outside!  Since many sensitive youth may not be interested in meditating or visualizing, going outside to play is a wonderful way for them to ground.  Connecting our energy into the earth, whether by intention or by engaging in activities such as forest bathing, has the effect of calming the body, centering the mind and increasing resilience when experiencing sensory sensitivities.   

A growing number of studies on the practice of grounding show that it appears to provide general health benefits, such as better sleep, less pain, reduced stress and better immune function.  In my observations in intuitive coaching sessions, grounding supports highly sensitive people by helping us release energies that are not in harmony with our wellbeing.  These may be dissonant frequencies of technology, and/or the energies of the people and situations around us, which HSP’s often draw into our sensitive bodies.  As an example, I find that, if I’m overwhelmed by emotional input due to being highly empathic, going outside is a quick and easy way to ground off other people’s emotions and get back to feeling more like myself.   

So, if you or your sensitive child are experiencing stress or sensory overload, head out to your nearest green space, whether it be a park in the city, a hiking trail, a beach or your own backyard garden!  Just spending time there will support greater feelings of wellbeing.  If your sensitive child is struggling regularly, I am here to help!  An intuitive coaching session may be just what your family needs to get back to a feeling of balance during a stressful time. I also encourage you to check out the other resources on this page as potential strategies to understand and support your highly sensitive youth. You may also check out the HSP resources on Julie Bjelland’s website by clicking below:

Carolina is an active and proud member of the Sensitive Empowerment Community!  Learn more about this wonderful group through Julie Bjelland’s website at https://www.fatfreecartpro.com/ecom/gb.php?cl=342244&c=ib&aff=383793. There are numerous free and paid resources designed to support Highly Sensitive People on this site!


Walking the Line: Finding the Balance Between Pushing and Over-Indulging our Sensitive Kids


The Path to Becoming More of Myself with Intuition Medicine®