Highly Sensitive People and the Season of Letting Go

In my personal practice of qigong as a highly sensitive person, I have been taught about the link between the energies of the earth and my own physical, emotional and spiritual health. Qigong is one the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the others being acupuncture, herbal medicine and medical massage.  Within TCM, Autumn is described as a season in which nature rids itself of what is not needed, and we are encouraged to mirror this process in our own lives: just as leaves fall from the trees and are eventually composted to provide nutrients for future growth, so too may we look inward and release old patterns or energies that aren’t serving us.  TCM also teaches that each season is governed by an element (earth, fire, water, wood and metal in the 5-element tradition). Autumn is governed by the Metal element, which (among other things) promotes our connection to spirit.  I love that this time of year is therefore one in which we simultaneously focus on letting go and connecting with our spiritual wisdom.  For many years now, I have been applying these ideas to my own life and health, and enjoying the enhanced focus that Autumn brings on release and inner work.  In my coaching work with highly sensitive children and parents, I also often find that Autumn is a particularly potent time for their growth and transformation.

 Those familiar with my work know that releasing energies we no longer need and looking inward for our personal wisdom are daily practices that I encourage!  In each coaching session there is an opportunity to focus on grounding your energy and connecting with the wisdom in your body, heart and spirit.  Highly sensitive people of all ages often find it challenging at first to turn inward:  we are so naturally attuned to the people and environment around us that we spend more time listening to what others may need and want of us than we do listening to our inner world.  It is imperative however, that HSP’s practice turning inward and paying attention to what is happening within, so that we are aware of what we feel, need and may want to change.  This type of reflection supports us in knowing ourselves and becoming more aware of how we are managing our energy in our relationships and out in the world.  Imagine a highly sensitive child who is able to tune in to developing feelings of sensory overload and advocate for what they need in a given moment, rather than suppress their needs and explode later on.  Or imagine a highly sensitive parent in a moment of conflict with their child, who is able to notice their own frustration and take a deep breath rather than yelling back.  These are the micro-level experiences that we strive to have on a regular basis: those moments when we are able to successfully honor own needs, achieve emotional regulation, and feel like the wise one we know is our best self. 

 An advantage of Autumn’s focus on letting go and connecting with spirit, is that the energy of the season gives us extra support in these areas.  It is a time when we may engage in micro practices throughout our day (for example, grounding and clearing our field of energies which are not in service of our wellbeing), while also looking at the bigger picture of things we may want to achieve for our longer-term growth.  I find it helpful to ask some questions as a way to guide this process.  Some sample inquiries which may be useful for reflection, journaling or conversation with your loved ones include:

*Have I noticed any patterns in emotions or relationships over the past year that I want to put extra attention on shifting now?

*Are there deeply rooted issues I’ve been struggling with over time that may need a new approach?

*Are there relationships in my life which seem stuck in discomfort, pain or conflict that need support in becoming more connected and enjoyable?

*What wisdom do I already possess that may help me to let go and heal in these areas?

 I encourage you to embrace the energy of Autumn, connect to your inner wisdom and release that which is no longer serving you!   If you or your sensitive child need additional support along the way, I’d be happy to talk with you about how intuitive guidance may help your family.  You may also check out the HSP resources on Julie Bjelland’s website by clicking below:

Carolina is an active and proud member of the Sensitive Empowerment Community!  Learn more about this wonderful group through Julie Bjelland’s website at https://www.fatfreecartpro.com/ecom/gb.php?cl=342244&c=ib&aff=383793. There are numerous free and paid resources designed to support Highly Sensitive People on this site!


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